The Weirdest Part

When I heard that Coldplay would be releasing The Hardest Part as their next single, I thought they'd decided they didn't want a pop career any more — there are far better, single-material songs on X&Y than The Hardest Part, principally White Shadows. (Since the artwork for Talk turned out to be white I'm assuming that White Shadows isn't planned as a single.)

I've softened my opinion on The Hardest Part since then - it's a pleasant, reasonably catchy song, albeit just a strum-along. But then just now I saw the video, via the 6 Music playlist. Coldplay really don't want to be troubling our airwaves.

It's just... wrong. And weird. And wrong. And they'll be hearing about it for the next ever. 'Cos it's not a good idea at all.

On the plus side, they haven't edited the song, but that's about it. Four-and-a-half minutes of a still picture of Johnny Cash would've been better and more suited. And would've killed their career less.