Firefox-related miscellanea
I was going to entitle this entry “Mozillanea” but realised that was intensely naff.
Modified Rewind/Fastforward extension for Firefox
I've cooked up a modified version of Piro's Rewind/Fastforward extension for Firefox, based on version 1.2.2004092001. The changes are as follows:
- Changed three-arrow Previous and Next buttons (for the default Firefox theme only) to yellow versions of the equivalent two-arrow buttons
- Changed toolbar button captions “Prev.” and “Fastforward” to “Previous” and “F.Fwd” respectively
- Changed Previous and Next tooltips from “Previous page ([text from page])” and “Next page ([text from page])” to “[text from page]”
- Added my name as a contributor
I made the changes mainly for my own use and packaged them into an XPI so I can reinstall the modified version more easily; it should install nicely over the official version.
Additional changes, to improve Previous and Next link-guessing:
- Removed “after”, “ahead”, “back” and “before” from the link-detection list
Get Drunk
Inspired by the slew of spoof “Get Firefox” buttons, I GIMPed up the following in knee-jerk fashion: